Have you created your online Peterson House account?
Peterson House Members & Shareholders
We have created a step-by-step guide for creating your account online.
Step 1
Click the three lines at the top left hand corner
Step 2
Click the ACCOUNT button that is at the very bottom of the side bar
Step 3
This will bring you to a login page. Down the bottom in PINK will be CREATE ACCOUNT button, click this!
Step 4
To create your account you will need to fill in the boxes including your first name, last name, email address and a password that you will create for the first time.
Step 5
Let us know that you're NOT a robot (😊)
Step 6
Once you submit you will see this information pop up letting you know that an email has been sent to your email address to verify your account.
Step 7
Go into your email account and you will have received this email asking you to activate your account. Click on the blue block button and it will take you to the Peterson House website.
Step 8
Once you have successfully activated your account you will receive this email from Peterson House. Every time you log in you will need to use the email and password when you created this account
Step 9
Once you have activated your account, we here at Peterson House will add your Pink or Premium member, or Shareholder tag to your account. This will automatically apply your discount to your online orders.
Please note that we ask for 48 hours to apply this to your account. If you would like this applied as soon as possible please contact your club team directly on 02 4998 7881 or email club@petersonhouse.com.au